

威尼斯人博彩鼓励并支持学生、教职员工的学术努力. Scholarly work and research often involves the use of human participants. 所有在威尼斯人博彩进行或赞助的涉及人类参与者的研究, 无论是否有资助,也无论是否由威尼斯人博彩的教职员工或其他人进行, 必须遵守保护人类参与者的政策,并且必须提交给机构审查委员会进行审查. 在获得IRB的许可之前,研究人员不得邀请参与者参与或开始数据收集.


  • The rights and welfare of the participants involved.
  • The appropriateness of methods used to secure informed consent.
  • The balance of risks and potential benefits of the investigation.

注意: 预计所有研究人员将阅读IRB网站上的所有材料,并完全完成IRB批准的申请. IRB将根据要求向研究人员提供有关保护人类参与者的更多信息. It is NOT the goal or the responsibility of the IRB to comment on the 质量 of the research design or of the proposed research.

NOTE TO OUTSIDE RESEARCHERS NOT AFFILIATED WITH BLINN COLLEGE: Outside researchers not affiliated with 威尼斯人博彩, but conducting studies targeting 威尼斯人博彩 faculty, 学生, 或员工, must find a collaborator at 威尼斯人博彩 such as a Co-Principal Investigator. 联合首席研究员将负责向内部审查委员会提供所有必要的文件,如填写完整的内部审查委员会申请表(来自威尼斯人博彩)。, appropriate Informed Consent form, 招聘传单或广告, instruments or measures to be used, CV of the Co-Principal Investigator, letter of IRB approval from the collaborating institution, 一个完整的 Notice of Intent to Conduct Research由相应的副总裁和任何其他支持文件批准.

请参阅 Frequently Asked Questions to get a general overview of the IRB responsibilities and general definitions.
Once you have determined that you are conducting human participant research, please follow the steps below to complete the review process. Please allow one full month from the time you submit your 完成 申请,连同所有必要的附件,以便进行审查过程.

所有的研究人员都必须出示参加过人类研究培训课程的证明. You 五月 take the online course found at the National Institute of Health website, or you 五月 provide verification of having taken a similar course. 如果您的研究是由另一个机构赞助或与另一个机构有联系,这也要求您获得他们的IRB批准, 请将该批准信的副本连同您的申请一起提交给威尼斯人博彩伦理委员会, or some indication that your organization is aware of your research.

如果您计划从威尼斯人博彩机构有效性和招生管理办公室(IEEM)收集学生数据, 请注意,它只能根据《威尼斯人娱乐城》(FERPA)的规定发布。. 研究人员有责任与IEEM合作,确保您在获得IRB批准后可以获得数据. IRB approval does not guarantee IEEM will release data to you. You can find the 威尼斯人博彩 policies related to FERPA here.

请填写 IRB Research Application Form, 威尼斯人娱乐城名称保存文档,并将表单作为附件通过电子邮件提交到 IRB@nannolight.com. 同时将申请表上列出的所需表格和其他文件作为附件提交. (Be sure to save a copy for yourself.)

Once the proposal is submitted, 委员会将对其进行审查,并就该提案的地位作出决定. The proposal will fall into one of four review categories:

Some proposals fall into one of the 免除 categories as provided in federal regulations and as determined by the IRB. These proposals meet particular regulation and minimal risk requirements and 五月 be eligible for a streamlined review by the IRB Chair or the IRB Administrator. 免除 proposals are not exempt from review but exempt from a full committee vote, and possibly exempt from any continuing review based on length of the study. Only the IRB can determine 免除 状态. 免除 审查通常比全体委员会审查要快,而且不需要投票. 结果将以书面形式传达给研究者,并在下次IRB会议上报告. IRB members 五月 ask for discussion of any 加快 reviews, or the referral to a full committee review.

The following types of research generally fall into the 免除 评审类别:

  • Research conducted in established or commonly accepted educational settings, involving normal educational practices.
  • Research involving the use of educational tests, 面试, 调查, 或观察, 除非信息是可识别的,并且披露会使参与者处于危险之中. (Survey and interview research with children is never exempt.)
  • 涉及收集或研究现有数据的研究,如果这些数据的来源是公开的,或者这些信息是以一种参与者无法识别的方式记录的.
  • Research and demonstration programs designed to study, evaluate or examine federal public benefit or service programs.

An 加快 review consists of a review by the IRB Chair and one or more committee members. 加快 审查是针对符合法规和主席确定的最低风险标准的提案. 加快 审查通常比全体委员会审查要快,而且不需要投票. 结果将以书面形式传达给研究者,并在下次IRB会议上报告. IRB members 五月 ask for discussion of any 加快 reviews, or the referral to a full committee review.

涉及风险大于最小的提案必须经过全面的IRB审查. Proposals that do not meet exempt review criteria, 或IRB主席因需要进一步讨论而无法加快的提案, are sent to the entire IRB Committee for 完整的检查. 研究人员可能会被邀请参加IRB委员会会议讨论申请.

Once the category is determined, 审查委员会委员会或指定人员将审查研究申请表格,并推荐以下其中一种:

  • 批准: Proposal satisfies regulations and IRB requirements and research 五月 commence.
  • 有条件批准: Approval will be given once specific recommendations from the IRB are met. Recommendations will be given to the investigator in writing, 在提交修订后的研究申请表并对修订内容进行评估之前,不得开始研究.
  • 提出研究申请没有提供足够的信息来做出明智的决定, additional discussion is required, or a majority of voting members could not be obtained.
  • 不批准:研究计划不符合联邦法规或机构要求. Reasons for non-approval will be given to the investigator in writing.

Once the committee has reviewed the Research Application Form, the Principal Investigator will be informed in writing, 通常通过电子邮件, of the 状态 and recommendation. 如果获得批准,研究可以在收到官方信件后立即开始.


威尼斯人博彩伦理委员会要求您在完成该研究威尼斯人娱乐城后与伦理委员会办公室分享该研究威尼斯人娱乐城的结果. 从你的研究数据可能是非常有用的授予作家和其他人在威尼斯人博彩系统. You will be given complete credit for its authorship.